Error Handling

All aioarangodb exceptions inherit aioarangodb.exceptions.ArangoError, which splits into subclasses aioarangodb.exceptions.ArangoServerError and aioarangodb.exceptions.ArangoClientError.

Server Errors

aioarangodb.exceptions.ArangoServerError exceptions lightly wrap non-2xx HTTP responses coming from ArangoDB. Each exception object contains the error message, error code and HTTP request response details.


from aioarangodb import ArangoClient, ArangoServerError, DocumentInsertError

# Initialize the ArangoDB client.
client = ArangoClient()

# Connect to "test" database as root user.
db = await client.db('test', username='root', password='passwd')

# Get the API wrapper for "students" collection.
students = db.collection('students')

    await students.insert({'_key': 'John'})
    await students.insert({'_key': 'John'})  # duplicate key error

except DocumentInsertError as exc:

    assert isinstance(exc, ArangoServerError)
    assert exc.source == 'server'

    exc.message           # Exception message usually from ArangoDB
    exc.error_message     # Raw error message from ArangoDB
    exc.error_code        # Error code from ArangoDB
    exc.url               # URL (API endpoint)
    exc.http_method       # HTTP method (e.g. "POST")
    exc.http_headers      # Response headers
    exc.http_code         # Status code (e.g. 200)

    # You can inspect the ArangoDB response directly.
    response = exc.response
    response.method       # HTTP method (e.g. "POST")
    response.headers      # Response headers
    response.url          # Full request URL
    response.is_success   # Set to True if HTTP code is 2XX
    response.body         # JSON-deserialized response body
    response.raw_body     # Raw string response body
    response.status_text  # Status text (e.g "OK")
    response.status_code  # Status code (e.g. 200)
    response.error_code   # Error code from ArangoDB

    # You can also inspect the request sent to ArangoDB.
    request = exc.request
    request.method        # HTTP method (e.g. "post")
    request.endpoint      # API endpoint starting with "/_api"
    request.headers       # Request headers
    request.params        # URL parameters          # Request payload

See Response and Request for reference.

Client Errors

aioarangodb.exceptions.ArangoClientError exceptions originate from aioarangodb client itself. They do not contain error codes nor HTTP request response details.


from aioarangodb import ArangoClient, ArangoClientError, DocumentParseError

# Initialize the ArangoDB client.
client = ArangoClient()

# Connect to "test" database as root user.
db = await client.db('test', username='root', password='passwd')

# Get the API wrapper for "students" collection.
students = db.collection('students')

    await students.get({'_id': 'invalid_id'})  # malformed document

except DocumentParseError as exc:

    assert isinstance(exc, ArangoClientError)
    assert exc.source == 'client'

    # Only the error message is set.
    error_message = exc.message
    assert exc.error_code is None
    assert exc.error_message is None
    assert exc.url is None
    assert exc.http_method is None
    assert exc.http_code is None
    assert exc.http_headers is None
    assert exc.response is None
    assert exc.request is None


Below are all exceptions from aioarangodb.

Error Codes

The errno module contains a constant mapping to ArangoDB’s error codes.